



Even though every map is differently customized there are steps which almost always will be done the same way.

  1. Raise the taxes: Put your taxes on the highest level to get the most money out of your taxes. Because of that you get double the amount of money as with taxes on the normal level. Unfortunally your motivation goes down as well. Read about Motivation how to deal with it.
  2. Literacy: If you want to change your taxes, you'll need the technology Literacy in your university. If it isn't researched yet, take care about keeping 50 thaler so you can research it after completing the construction of the university.
  3. Serfs: Buy as many serfs as possible(keep up 50 thaler), who build up the university instantly(to research Literacy) and occupy all mines. Don't build any farms and residences. Look up Bauernhöfe und Wohnhäuser.

Depending on how many resources you get at start of the round you can build a different amount of buildings. Most importantly is to build one university to be able reaseraching Literacy. After that you should try build up all near mines . It is possible due to a balanced distribution of the serfs(1,2 or 3 sers per constructionsite). After all mines are placed and if you still got resources you will be able to build up more universitys. Two Universitys should be the minimum to be able to reasearch quickly enough. The one who wants to overextend can build addionally universitys.

For now the first steps at a start of a map are explained. We now continue with the development of the settlment after the start.

en/multiplayer/gameplay/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/09/18 19:15 (Externe Bearbeitung)