Der Förster an sich ist so angelegt, das er lustig Bäume vor sich hinplanzt. Man kann ihn gut gebrauchen, wenn auf einer Map viele „Wüsten-“ oder Steppengebiete sind. Er schafft jedenfalls eine unerschöpflichen Vorrat an der Resource Holz.
Man muss auf der Map lediglich eine Entity mit Namen: „gaertner1“ setzen und eine ScriptEntity mit Namen: „WaldEntity“. Und Dario darf auch nicht fehlen „dario“.
function DarioIsNeargaertner1() if IsNear(GetEntityId("dario"), GetEntityId("gaertner1"), 1000) then EndJob(DarioIsNeargaertner1ID) _OP_Forests_addTreeGrowth() MyForest = _OP_Forests_setupForest(GetPosition("WaldEntity"), 500, 1800, "gaertner1") end end
Aufgerufen wird das Ganze mit
entweder in der FirstMapAction oder als „Belohnung“ in einem Briefing.Finished.
Falls der Förster pausieren soll, wenn 20 Bäume gepflanzt wurden, kann folgendes verwendet werden:
function PauseForester() if _OP_Forests_getNumberOfExistingSeededTrees(MyForest) >= 20 then _OP_Forests_disableForester(MyForest) else _OP_Forests_enableForester(MyForest) end end
Die Bäume wachsen aber trotzdem weiter.
Der folgende Code wird benötigt, damit der Förster funktioniert:
--######################################################################## --### --### Forest Script --### Created by Opeter --### Updated by Old McDonald --### --the forests table _OP_Forests = {}; --set it local for better handling (the name is too long :)) local f = _OP_Forests; --here you can add some tree entities --don't forget to add at least one group of trees f.Grow = { }; --handling triggers... --some dummy functions function _OP_Forests_growTrees(_index) return _OP_Forests:growTrees(_index); end function _OP_Forests_plantTrees(_index) return _OP_Forests:plantTrees(_index); end function _OP_Forests_moveForester(_index) return _OP_Forests:moveForester(_index); end --######################################################################## --### --### Forest Functions --### --these two functions create forests function f:createForest(_position, _distance, _range) local forest = {}; local funcAdd = function( _n1, _n2 ) return _n1 + _n2; end; local funcSub = function( _n1, _n2 ) return _n1 - _n2; end; self:createSegment( forest, _position, _distance, _range, funcAdd, funcAdd ); self:createSegment( forest, _position, _distance, _range, funcSub, funcAdd ); self:createSegment( forest, _position, _distance, _range, funcAdd, funcSub ); self:createSegment( forest, _position, _distance, _range, funcSub, funcSub ); return forest; end function f:createSegment(_forest, _position, _distance, _range, _opX, _opY) local distance2 = math.sqrt( _distance * _distance - (_distance/2) * (_distance / 2) ); local forestPos = { X = _position.X, Y = _position.Y }; local x = 0; for y = 0, _range / distance2, 1 do while self:getRange(_position, forestPos) <= _range do local entry = { name = string.format( "_OP_Tree%d%d", table.getn( self ) + 1, table.getn( _forest ) + 1 ), status = 0, type = 0 }; entry.position = { X = forestPos.X + math.random(100) - 50, Y = forestPos.Y + math.random(100) - 50 }; entry.posF = { X = 0, Y = 0 }; if self:testPos(entry.position) then entry.ID = CreateEntity( 1, Entities.XD_ScriptEntity, entry.position, entry.name ); table.insert( _forest, entry ); end forestPos.X = _opX( forestPos.X, distance2 ); end forestPos.X = _opX( _position.X, _distance / 2 * x ); forestPos.Y = _opY( forestPos.Y, distance2 ); x = 1 - x; end end --this function let the trees grow function f:growTrees(_index) local forest = self[_index]; if forest == nil then --return return true; elseif IsDestroyed(forest.forester) then --destroy jobs if forest.plantTreesJobId ~= 0 then Trigger.UnrequestTrigger(forest.plantTreesJobId); else Trigger.UnrequestTrigger(forest.moveForesterJobId); end Trigger.UnrequestTrigger(forest.growTreesJobId); --delete forest table self[_index] = nil; --return return true; end forest.counterGrow = forest.counterGrow - 1; if forest.counterGrow == 0 then for i = 1, table.getn(forest), 1 do local doFlag, eName = true, forest[i].name; local eResource = 0; if forest[i].status > 1 and forest[i].status < table.getn(self.Grow[forest[i].type]) + 1 then eResource = Logic.GetResourceDoodadGoodAmount(GetEntityId(eName)); if eResource > 0 then doFlag = false; end if Logic.GetEntitiesInArea( 0, forest[i].position.X, forest[i].position.Y, 150, 1 ) > 0 then doFlag = false; end local newEntityType = self.Grow[forest[i].type][forest[i].status]; if newEntityType and not IsDead(eName) and math.random(forest.ProbabilityOfGrowing) == 1 and doFlag then forest[i].status = forest[i].status + 1; ReplaceEntity(eName, newEntityType); end end end forest.counterGrow = 4; end end --this function controls the planting of trees function f:plantTrees(_index) local forest = self[_index]; if forest == nil then --return return true; elseif IsDestroyed(forest.forester) then --destroy jobs if forest.plantTreesJobId ~= 0 then Trigger.UnrequestTrigger(forest.plantTreesJobId); else Trigger.UnrequestTrigger(forest.moveForesterJobId); end Trigger.UnrequestTrigger(forest.growTreesJobId); --delete forest table self[_index] = nil; --return return true; elseif not forest.Enabled then return false; end forest.WaitTime = (forest.WaitTime or 0) + 1; if forest.WaitTime < forest.Delay then --delay not reached return false; end forest.counterForester = forest.counterForester - 1; if forest.counterForester <= 0 then for i = 1, table.getn(forest), 1 do local eName, ePos = forest[i].name, { X = forest[i].position.X, Y = forest[i].position.Y }; if forest[i].status == 1 then if forest.OKTree then if Logic.GetEntitiesInArea(0, ePos.X, ePos.Y, 100, 1) == 0 then forest.nextTree = true; if ReplaceEntity(eName, Entities.XD_Bush4) > 0 then forest[i].status = 2; forest[i].type = math.random( table.getn( self.Grow ) ); else forest[i].status = -1; end else if forest[i].posF.X == GetPosition(forest.forester).X and forest[i].posF.Y == GetPosition(forest.forester).Y then forest[i].status = 0; forest.nextTree = true; else forest[i].posF.X = GetPosition(forest.forester).X; forest[i].posF.Y = GetPosition(forest.forester).Y; end forest.counterForester = 1; end else forest[i].status = 0; forest.nextTree = true; forest.counterForester = 1; end end if forest[i].status > 1 and IsDead(eName) then forest[i].status = 0; self:cleanUp(ePos, 200); CreateEntity(1, Entities.XD_ScriptEntity, ePos, eName); end end if forest.counterForester == 0 then forest.counterForester = 2; end if not forest.nextTree then return; end local array = {}; for i = 1, table.getn(forest), 1 do if forest[i].status == 0 then table.insert( array, i ); end end if table.getn( array ) == 0 then forest.counterForester = 5; return; end local i = array[math.random(table.getn(array))]; local eName = forest[i].name; local posF = { X = forest[i].position.X - 1, Y = forest[i].position.Y - 1 }; forest.nextTree = false; forest[i].status = 1; forest.NTree = GetEntityId(eName); Move(forest.forester, posF); forest[i].posF = { X = GetPosition(forest.forester).X, Y = GetPosition(forest.forester).Y }; forest.OKTree = true; forest.foresterPos = forest[i].posF; forest.oldForesterPos = forest[i].posF; forest.moveForesterJobId = Trigger.RequestTrigger( Events.LOGIC_EVENT_EVERY_SECOND, nil, "_OP_Forests_moveForester", 1, {}, {_index} ); forest.plantTreesJobId = 0; return true; end end --this function controls whether the forester still walks function f:moveForester(_index) local forest = self[_index]; if forest == nil then --return return true; elseif IsDestroyed(forest.forester) then --destroy jobs if forest.plantTreesJobId ~= 0 then Trigger.UnrequestTrigger(forest.plantTreesJobId); else Trigger.UnrequestTrigger(forest.moveForesterJobId); end Trigger.UnrequestTrigger(forest.growTreesJobId); --delete forest table self[_index] = nil; --return return true; elseif not forest.Enabled then return false; end if IsNear(forest.forester, forest.NTree, 50) then Move(forest.forester, forest.oldForesterPos); forest.plantTreesJobId = Trigger.RequestTrigger( Events.LOGIC_EVENT_EVERY_SECOND, nil, "_OP_Forests_plantTrees", 1, {}, {_index} ); forest.moveForesterJobId = 0; forest.counterForester = 3; return true; elseif forest.foresterPos.X == GetPosition(forest.forester).X and forest.foresterPos.Y == GetPosition(forest.forester).Y then forest.OKTree = false; forest.plantTreesJobId = Trigger.RequestTrigger( Events.LOGIC_EVENT_EVERY_SECOND, nil, "_OP_Forests_plantTrees", 1, {}, {_index} ); forest.moveForesterJobId = 0; forest.counterForester = 1; forest.WaitTime = 0; return true; else forest.oldForesterPos = forest.foresterPos; forest.foresterPos = GetPosition(forest.forester); end end --######################################################################## --### --### Utility Functions --### function f:getRange(_pos1, _pos2) local x, y = _pos2.X - _pos1.X, _pos2.Y - _pos1.Y; return math.sqrt( x * x + y * y ); end function f:testPos(_pos) if Logic.GetEntitiesInArea( Entities.XD_ScriptEntity, _pos.X, _pos.Y, 200, 1 ) == 0 then return true; end end function f:cleanUp(_position, _range) local data = { Logic.GetEntitiesInArea( Entities.XD_TreeStump1, _position.X, _position.Y, _range, 16 ) }; for i = 1, table.remove(data, 1), 1 do DestroyEntity(data[i]); end end --######################################################################## --### --### Comfort Functions --### --comfort wrapper function _OP_Forests_setupForest(_position, _distance, _range, _forester, _delay, _probabilityOfGrowing) return _OP_Forests:setupForest(_position, _distance, _range, _forester, _delay, _probabilityOfGrowing); end --this comfort function creates a new forest, setups the values of the indices in the forest table and starts the jobs function f:setupForest(_position, _distance, _range, _forester, _delay, _probabilityOfGrowing) assert(table.getn(self.Grow) > 0, "at least one growth plan must exist"); assert(IsValid(_forester), "the forester must be alive"); local forest = self:createForest(_position, _distance, _range); forest.counterForester = 2; forest.counterGrow = 4; forest.NTree = 0; forest.nextTree = true; forest.OKTree = true; forest.foresterPos = {}; forest.oldForesterPos = {}; forest.forester = _forester; forest.moveForesterJobId = 0; forest.Enabled = true; forest.Delay = forest.Delay or 0; forest.ProbabilityOfGrowing = _probabilityOfGrowing or 5; local indexPos = table.getn(self) + 1; table.insert(self, forest); forest.plantTreesJobId = Trigger.RequestTrigger(Events.LOGIC_EVENT_EVERY_SECOND, nil, "_OP_Forests_plantTrees", 1, {}, {indexPos}); forest.growTreesJobId = Trigger.RequestTrigger(Events.LOGIC_EVENT_EVERY_SECOND, nil, "_OP_Forests_growTrees", 1, {}, {indexPos}); return forest; end --comfort wrapper function _OP_Forests_addTreeGrowth( _description ) return _OP_Forests:addTreeGrowth( _description ); end --this function adds a new tree growth "tree". if _description is nil, the standard table will be used function f:addTreeGrowth( _description ) if _description == nil then _description = { Entities.XD_Pine3, Entities.XD_Pine4, Entities.XD_Pine6, Entities.XD_Pine2 }; end assert(type(_description) == "table", "_description must be a table"); assert(table.getn(_description) > 0, "one tree type must exist"); table.insert(_description, 1, nil); _description.n = table.getn(_description); table.insert(self.Grow, _description); end --comfort wrapper function _OP_Forests_disableForester( _forest ) return _OP_Forests:disableForester(_forest); end --this function disables the forester function f:disableForester( _forest ) _forest.Enabled = false; end --comfort wrapper function _OP_Forests_enableForester( _forest ) return _OP_Forests:enableForester(_forest); end --this function enables the forester function f:enableForester( _forest ) _forest.Enabled = true; end function _OP_Forests_getNumberOfExistingSeededTrees( _forest ) return _OP_Forests:getNumberOfExistingSeededTrees(_forest); end function _OP_Forests:getNumberOfExistingSeededTrees( _forest ) local n = 0; for i = 1, table.getn(_forest), 1 do if _forest[i].status > 1 and not IsDead(_forest[i].name) then n = n + 1; end end return n; end
utilscripts/foersterfunktion.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/09/18 19:15 von