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Playing online with the History Edition

With the History Edition you can actually only use the multiplayer via Uplay . However, a small conversion makes it possible to use the alternative server. There is a normal lobby and it is possible to play together with the players of the Standard Edition. Plus there are a lot of features that you used to only dream of. But for that the History Edition must be modified first.

Modify the History Edition

To change the History Edition, three steps must be performed, that will be explained accordingly:

  1. The standard edition settlershok.exe is required
  2. The old main menu has to come back
  3. The scripts must be reset

The installation directory

First, the installation directory must be located. Use the Explorer and navigate to the folder in which you have the Settlers 5 History Edition installed. This should look like this:

Step 1: The .exe of the Standard Edition

Open the folder named bin and then download this file:
Windows 10 Creators Update

After downloading, copy the two files contained in the .zip file, settlershok_w10cu and shokmapeditor_w10cu , into the bin folder.

Next, the old settlersHoK has to be renamed. Right click the file for that, click rename and enter SettlersHoK_HE .
After that, settlershok_w10cu must be renamed to settlershok .

Step 2: The old main menu

In the new main menu, there is no longer the button with which you can connect to To recapture the button we have to change the main menu. The directory is organized as follows: base contains the files for the basic game, extra1 the addon and extra2 the second addon. We navigate in the settler installation directory to the folder base / shr / menu / Projects and rename the file MainMenu to MainMenu_HE .

Now the following file has to be downloaded:
There are also three folders in it: base , extra1 and extra2 .
open the base folder and copy the file mainmenu to the directory where the file previously was renamed.

This returns the main menu for the main game. Now the same procedure has to be repeated for Nebelreich and Legenden. Copy from the .zip file from extra1 the file mainmenu to extra1 / shr / menu / Projects and from extra2 to extra2 / shr / menu / Projects . Do not forget to rename the original MainMenu file first.

Step 3: The Scripts

Almost done, now the scripts need to be downgraded. In the installation directory there is a folder named Script in each of the folders base / shr , extra1 / shr and extra2 / shr . Rename this in Script_HE .

Then the Script folder from the already downloaded file has to be copied. This procedure must be repeated for the folders base , extra1 and extra2 . Attention In each case the script folder from base to base and the script folder from extra1 to extra1 etc.


Now you can theoretically play on the replica. However, the version detection does not work properly with the modified HE and starting the extensions is also tedious, because you no longer start on the Uplay Launcher and therefore you would need to pass a command lines argument „-extra1“ or „-extra2“. That's why it goes a bit further.

Simplified starting and preparation for the alternate server

To be able to start the two extensions comfortably, it is sufficient to copy the bin folder from the installation directory directly into extra1 and extra2 .

If you start settlershok from the new bin folders you should start fogged or legends directly.

Now all preparations have been made to install the alternative server. You can find out how to do that on the corresponding page ⇒ The alternative server


If you need help, ask them on the Settler 5 Multiplayer Discord.

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en/multiplayer/help/historyedition.1566934610.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/09/18 18:59 (Externe Bearbeitung)