
Enhanced Multiplayer Script

Das EMS ist ein Regelskript für Mehrspieler - ähnlich wie das Regelskript von Anarki - für Legendenkarten. Es sollte in jede Mehrspielerkarte eingebunden werden, da es neben der Möglichkeit einer Regeleinstellung auch verschiedene Fehler im Spiel behebt.


Folgendes Skript kann ins Mapskript kopiert werden:

-- ###################################################################################################
-- #                                                                                                 #
-- #                                                                                                 #
-- #     Script:   Enhanced Multiplayer Script by MadShadow                                          #
-- #                                                                                                 #
-- #                                                                                                 #
-- ###################################################################################################
initEMS = function()return false end;
if not initEMS() then
		local errMsgs = 
			["de"] = "Achtung: Enhanced Multiplayer Script wurde nicht gefunden! @cr \195\156berpr\195\188fe ob alle Dateien am richtigen Ort sind!",
			["eng"] = "Attention: Enhanced Multiplayer Script could not be found! @cr Make sure you placed all the files in correct place!",
		local lang = "de";
		if XNetworkUbiCom then
			lang = XNetworkUbiCom.Tool_GetCurrentLanguageShortName();
			if lang ~= "eng" and lang ~= "de" then
				lang = "eng";
		GUI.AddStaticNote("@color:255,0,0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
		GUI.AddStaticNote("@color:255,0,0 " .. errMsgs[lang]);
		GUI.AddStaticNote("@color:255,0,0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");

Die Konfiguration

Jede Karte lädt eine Standardkonfiguration. Die reicht in der Regel jedoch nicht aus, daher musst du noch ein Konfigurationsskript erstellen und in den EMSconfigurations Ordner kopieren: Damit das Skript geladen wird muss es denselben Namen wie die Karte tragen.
Beispiel: Heißt die Karte „(4) Toscana V2“, so muss das Skript „(4) toscana v2.lua“ heißen. Groß- und Kleinschreibung spielen keine Rolle.

-- ************************************************************************************************
-- *                                                                                              *
-- *                                                                                              *
-- *                                              EMS                                             *
-- *                                         CONFIGURATION                                        *
-- *                                                                                              *
-- *                                                                                              *
-- ************************************************************************************************
EMS_CustomMapConfig =
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Configuration File Version
	-- * A version check will make sure every player has the same version of the configuration file
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	Version = 1,
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Debug Mode
	-- * Activates the ems debug mode if set to true.
	-- * This will enable key bindings to achieve some common debug tasks.
	-- * Ingame a button with the text "Debug" will be shown to give further information.
	-- * (Default: false)
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	ActivateDebug = true,
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Custom debug functions
	-- * If ActivateDebug is set to true, these two debug methods can be called by pressing N or M
	-- * _fromPlayer - the id of the player that pressed the key
	-- * _targetPlayerId1 - a player id between 1-8 (or 16 on cnetwork), that the caller wants to target
	-- * _targetPlayerId2 - a second player id
	-- * _x, _y - the position of the callers mouse at the time of pressing the key
	-- * Example content:
	-- * SetFriendly(_targetPlayerId1, _targetPlayerId2); -- make friends between p1 and p2
	-- * Logic.CreateEntity(Entities.PU_Serf, _x, _y, 0, _fromPlayer); -- create Serf for caller
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	CustomDebugFunc1 = function(_fromPlayer, _targetPlayerId1, _targetPlayerId2, _x, _y)
		Logic.CreateEntity(Entities.PU_Serf, _x, _y, 0, _fromPlayer);
	CustomDebugFunc2 = function(_fromPlayer, _target1, _target2, _x, _y)
		Logic.CreateEntity(Entities.PU_Serf, _x, _y, 0, _target2);
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Callback_OnMapStart
	-- * Called directly after the loading screen vanishes and works as your entry point.
	-- * Similar use to FirstMapAction/GameCallback_OnGameSart
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	Callback_OnMapStart = function()
		LocalMusic.UseSet = HIGHLANDMUSIC;
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Callback_OnGameStart
	-- * Called at the end of the 10 seconds delay, after the host chose the rules and started
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	Callback_OnGameStart = function()
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Callback_OnPeacetimeEnded
	-- * Called when the peacetime counter reaches zero
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	Callback_OnPeacetimeEnded = function()
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Peacetime
	-- * Number of minutes the players will be unable to attack each other
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	Peacetime = 30,
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * GameMode
	-- * GameMode is a concept of a switchable option, that the scripter can freely use
	-- *
	-- * GameModes is a table that contains the available options for the players, for example:
	-- * GameModes = {"3vs3", "2vs2", "1vs1"},
	-- *
	-- * GameMode contains the index of selected mode by default - ranging from 1 to X
	-- *
	-- * Callback_GameModeSelected
	-- * Lets the scripter make changes, according to the selected game mode.
	-- * You could give different ressources or change the map environment accordingly
	-- * _gamemode contains the index of the selected option according to the GameModes table
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	GameMode = 1,
	GameModes = {"Standard"},
	Callback_GameModeSelected = function(_gamemode)
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Resource Level
	-- * Determines how much ressources the players start with
	-- * 1 = Normal
	-- * 2 = FastGame
	-- * 3 = SpeedGame
	-- * See the ressources table below for configuration
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	ResourceLevel = 1,
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Resources
	-- * Order:
	-- * Gold, Clay, Wood, Stone, Iron, Sulfur
	-- * Rules:
	-- * 1. If no player is defined, default values are used
	-- * 2. If player 1 is defined, these ressources will be used for all other players too
	-- * 3. Use the players index to give ressources explicitly
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	Ressources =
		-- * Normal default: 1k, 1.8k, 1.5k, 0.8k, 50, 50
		Normal = {
			[1] = {
		-- * FastGame default: 2 x Normal Ressources
		FastGame = {},
		-- * SpeedGame default: 20k, 12k, 14k, 10k, 7.5k, 7.5k
		SpeedGame = {},
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Callback_OnFastGame
	-- * Called together with Callback_OnGameStart if the player selected ResourceLevel 2 or 3
	-- * (FastGame or SpeedGame)
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	Callback_OnFastGame = function()
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * AI Players
	-- * Player Entities that belong to an ID that is also present in the AIPlayers table won't be
	-- * removed
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	AIPlayers = {},
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * DisableInitCameraOnHeadquarter
	-- * Set to true if you don't want the camera to be set to the headquarter automatically
	-- * (default: false)
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	DisableInitCameraOnHeadquarter = false,
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * DisableSetZoomFactor
	-- * If set to false, ZoomFactor will be set to 2 automatically
	-- * Set to true if nothing should be done
	-- * (default: false)
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	DisableSetZoomFactor = false,
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * DisableStandardVictoryCondition
	-- * Set to true if you want to implement your own victory condition
	-- * Otherwise the player will lose upon losing his headquarter
	-- * (default: false)
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	DisableStandardVictoryCondition = false,
        -- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * NeedsCppLogic
	-- * If true, the script will check if all players have mcbs CppLogic dll loaded
	-- * Set to true if you use function of CppLogic
	-- * (default: false)
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	NeedsCppLogic = false,
        -- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * NeedsS5CommunityLib
	-- * If true, the script will check if all players have the same version of the S5CommunityLib
	-- * Set to true if you use function of the S5CommunityLib
	-- * (default: false)
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	NeedsS5CommunityLib = false,
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	-- * Units
	-- * Various units can be allowed or forbidden
	-- * A 0 means the unit is forbidden - a higher number represents the maximum allowed level
	-- * Example: 
	-- * Sword = 0, equals Swords are forbidden
	-- * Sword = 2, equals the maximum level for swords is 2 = Upgrading once
	-- ********************************************************************************************
	Sword   = 4,
	Bow     = 4,
	PoleArm = 4,
	HeavyCavalry = 0,
	LightCavalry = 0,
	Rifle = 2,
	Thief = 1,
	Scout = 1,
	Cannon1 = 0,
	Cannon2 = 0,
	Cannon3 = 0,
	Cannon4 = 0,
	-- * Buildings
	Bridge = 1,
	-- * Markets
	-- * -1 = Building markets is forbidden
	-- * 0 = Building markets is allowed
	-- * >0 = Markets are allowed and limited to the number given
	Markets = 0,
	-- * Trade Limit
	-- * 0 = no trade limit
	-- * greater zero = maximum amount that you can buy in one single trade 
	TradeLimit = 0,
	-- * TowerLevel
	-- * 0 = Towers forbidden
	-- * 1 = Watchtowers
	-- * 2 = Balistatowers
	-- * 3 = Cannontowers
	TowerLevel = 1, -- 0-3
	-- * TowerLimit
	-- * 0  = no tower limit
	-- * >0 = towers are limited to the number given
	TowerLimit = 0,
	-- * WeatherChangeLockTimer
	-- * Minutes for how long the weather can't be changed directly again after a weatherchange happened
	WeatherChangeLockTimer =  3,
	-- * Enables chaning to a specific weather with the weather tower
	MakeSummer = 1,
	MakeRain   = 1,
	MakeSnow   = 1,
	-- * Fixes the DestrBuild bug
	AntiBug    = 1,
	-- * HQRush
	-- * If set to 1, Headquarters are invulernerable as long the player still has village centers
	AntiHQRush = 1,
	-- * If set to 1, Players can't abuse blessing and overtime in combination for unlimited work
	BlessLimit = 1,
	-- * if set to true, Players are not able to lose their Headquarter.
	InvulnerableHQs = false,
	-- * Heroes
	-- * NumberOfHeroesForAll sets the number of heroes every player can pick
	-- * 1 behind each hero defines if the hero is allowed; 0 for forbidden
	NumberOfHeroesForAll = 2,
	Dario    = 1,
	Pilgrim  = 1,
	Ari      = 1,
	Erec     = 1,
	Salim    = 1,
	Helias   = 1,
	Drake    = 1,
	Yuki     = 1,
	Kerberos = 1,
	Varg     = 1,
	Mary_de_Mortfichet = 1,
	Kala     = 1,